No Exemptions
A.I.D.S (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is such a deadly disease because it attacks the immune system. It leaves the body defenseless against minor ailments such as a common cold. So, if someone with A.I.D.S. gets a cold, it could turn into pneumonia and lead to death. This is no cure for this malady. It can only be treated, but will still lead to the individual’s death. Another chronic illness that afflicts the human body that has no cure is diabetes. However, a diabetic can live a healthy lifestyle by taking insulin, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise. Insulin and proper diet are beneficial, but I have seen many who don’t follow these simple instructions. Diabetics who disregard these basic tools for living end up losing limbs or worse yet dying. There are no exemptions. Sin in the life of a believer is likened unto the two diseases. There is no cure. It can be controlled, BUT if a believer does not put into practice a daily discipline of the word; he or she will s...