
Showing posts from June, 2012

A Marinated Mind

Many cooks marinate their meat in order to enhance the flavor. We all know this is done by soaking the meat, sometimes overnight, in some type of concentrated marinade to allow the flavor to permeate the meat. After the meat is satisfactorily saturated, it is cooked and now, what was in the marinade has been absorbed by the meat. Everyone who enjoys the dish, tastes the flavors bursting in their mouth like a Fourth of July fireworks show! Yum! Okay, so now that you want some marinated meat, let's look at this process of marination a little closer. First off, the definition of marinate is to steep food in a marinade; treating it like a sponge, tenderizing it, enabling it to absorb flavor. Cooks marinate to make meat tender and enhance flavor. So, if you have four steaks and four marinades, each steak is going to become more tender and take on the flavor of the marinade. Now think of this in terms of your mind. The first line of attack for the enemy is your mind. So if you have f...

Don't Crack The Mirror

Have you ever gone to the movies and saw someone look in a mirror, not like what they see and then hurl something at it breaking the mirror? It is safe to say that the reason the person broke it was because they weren't pleased with the image. Somehow they felt that breaking the mirror would solve the problem, when the only thing a broken mirror does is make the image worse. James 1:25 calls the believer to look into the perfect law of liberty, which is the Word of God, and do what it says. This let's us know that the Bible is like a mirror. It shows us where we are and where we are going (Psalm 119:105). If we don't like the way we look in the mirror of God's Word, then by the power of the Holy Ghost we must change. Throwing away the Bible or destroying it will not change the fact that change is necessary to fix the reflection. Marriage is also an analogy of a mirror. Many married people have found out their true colors through the eyes of the mirror called their s...