A Marinated Mind

Many cooks marinate their meat in order to enhance the flavor. We all know this is done by soaking the meat, sometimes overnight, in some type of concentrated marinade to allow the flavor to permeate the meat. After the meat is satisfactorily saturated, it is cooked and now, what was in the marinade has been absorbed by the meat. Everyone who enjoys the dish, tastes the flavors bursting in their mouth like a Fourth of July fireworks show! Yum!

Okay, so now that you want some marinated meat, let's look at this process of marination a little closer. First off, the definition of marinate is to steep food in a marinade; treating it like a sponge, tenderizing it, enabling it to absorb flavor. Cooks marinate to make meat tender and enhance flavor. So, if you have four steaks and four marinades, each steak is going to become more tender and take on the flavor of the marinade.

Now think of this in terms of your mind. The first line of attack for the enemy is your mind. So if you have four believers, who have marinated their mind in, let's say, unforgiveness, pornography, lust and lies, their hearts and minds will take on unforgiveness, pornography, lust and lies. However, if you marinate your mind in the Word of God, it will cause you to be tender to the Holy Spirit, and emanate the very Word you have been marinating in. What a concept! A marinated mind that emanates the Word of God will put all demonic forces to flight (James 4:7)! Glory to God!

The awesome thing about this, is that a marinated mind is a biblical concept. Joshua 1:8 says, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." What this verse is teaching is that if we, as believers, would marinate our minds in the Word of God and do it we will make our own way better and be successful.

God wants us to prosper and be successful. So much so, that He has clearly shown us how to do it. However, Daddy God knows that our natural propensity is to do evil which is why He has instructed us to have a marinated mind. A marinated mind creates a tender heart in which God can use for His glory. An unmarinated mind creates a hard heart which is a breeding ground for demonic activity. (Read Psalm 1)

I trust that the Holy Spirit has ministered to you through this teaching. This IS the day that the Lord has made, and I pray that this blog will inspire you to marinate your mind with the Word of God. Meditate, memorize and make the Word a part of your life. Let it matriculate down to your heart, tenderizing it, making you sensitive to God's kingdom purposes for your life. Until next time...

Prevailing In Him,

Dr. Sheila


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