Faithful to Love
I was reading a devotional today on the fruit of faithfulness and the Holy Spirit spoke very clearly to my heart. Yesterday, I was sharing with Dr. Poole some concerns that I had. He spoke into my life regarding my concerns, and I went on about my day. I know God is dealing with me about being faithful to love because He has brought this to my attention the last three times that I was spending time with Him. Before I went to bed last night I was reading a bit of The Three Battlegrounds. It was talking about love and how the enemy will use offense and bitterness to get believers to not walk in love. This was just a confirmation of what Dr. Poole recently preached about how an ant will find food and lead others to it. Offense is looking for food to lead others to it. Then I read the devotional this morning on The Fruit of Faithfulness. I heard the Lord speak to my heart loud and clear on what I need to do regarding my own faithfulness to love. The Scripture says in Psalm 86:11, ...