Who Will Tell Them?
I love it when what I read during my times of devotion, that The Lord speaks to my heart and gives me an opportunity to write to you and encourage your faith. Today was one of those days. After reading Our Daily Bread, the Holy Spirit stirred my heart with today's blog, "Who Will Tell Them?"
This is a clip of what I read. "In a sense, our lives are marked by “use by” dates—except that none of us knows the exact date when our heart will expire or we’ll take our last breath on this planet. Given that reality, shouldn’t we try a little harder to capture the moments we’ve been given? Capturing the moment means that we’ll do things like love more deeply, forgive more quickly, listen more carefully, and speak more affirmingly.
Paul gives this good advice: “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16). He also instructs us to “walk as children of light . . . finding out what is acceptable to the Lord” (vv.8-10)."
This reminds me of a message Dr. Poole shared at my uncle's funeral entitled, "The Dash." He told us that, all tombstones have three things in common; the birth date, a dash and the date of death. We don't have anything to do with the birth date or the death date, but we can all do something with the dash; that part of our lives that we have to make a difference. I believe God is calling us to not only love Him, enjoy life and make memories. I also believe that God is calling us to make a difference with our "dash" and share the gospel with as many people as possible.
Back on March 27, 1987, the gospel message was shared with me at a church service. I gave my heart to the Lord that night and shortly after that I took an evangelism class. In one particular class, we listened to an audio clip that was entitled, "Who Will Tell Them?" That little clip has stuck with me through the years, and whenever The Lord is dealing with me about sharing the gospel, I hear that question, "Who will tell them?"
We are in the final quarter of the year. The Word of God says in Luke 10:2, "These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields." I believe that in this last quarter, God is looking for workers to send into His fields. He is answering the question of, Who will tell them," with, "You go tell them."
One of the ways that we walk as children of light is to share about the life, light and love of Christ to those who we come in contact with. I encourage you today to ask The Lord of the harvest to use you as a laborer in His vineyard. We are living in the last days and one of the greatest ways to redeem the time is to share the gospel. It really is the power of God at work saving to all who believe.
Prevailing in Him,
Dr. Sheila
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