Mist In The Midst

There are two types of mist. One is an aggregate of water globules that hangs low in the air which diminishes visibility. The other comes from a cloud of particles as in perfumes or aerosols. In essence, both types of mist blur, obscure or dim vision.

Think of this in terms of the commercial where the actors are in a room of trash, dirty laundry, or molded food. They are blind folded and a type of air freshener is sprayed and the mist of the spray is advertised to completely cover the stench to the point that all they smell is the fragrance from the air freshener.

They Holy Spirit brought this to my attention today. He said this is the way of the church today. There is a mist that has unbelievers, as well as unbelieving believers blinded to the truth of the gospel of Christ. The Message translation of 1 Corinthians 4:4 says it this way, "All they have eyes for is the fashionable god of darkness. They think he can give them what they want, and that they won't have to bother believing a Truth they can't see. They're stone- blind to the dayspring brightness of the Message that shines with Christ, who gives us the best picture of God we'll ever get." The church is stone blind and they feel they are not accountable for a truth they cannot see.

Then the Lord spoke this to my heart concerning this issue.

"A demonic mist has come in and infiltrated the church. The minds of those who don't believe that My return is eminent have been blinded. The church is sitting amongst the trash and filth of sin and the midst has masked the stench causing them to live as though nothing is wrong. Now is the time like never before to pray that their eyes would be open to their true condition. Pray for revelation, illumination, and a manifestation of transformed lives. I am calling for the cleaners to come and pray first, then in a response to prayer, Operation House Cleaning will go into full effect."

We are at war! There is a call to arms to those who will become a part of Operation House Cleaning. We need to pray like never before Ephesians 1:17-18 over our churches. It reads, "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints."

Nothing is too hard for God! When the saints pray, the mist of the Holy Spirit will drive the demonic mist from our midst. Therefore, rise up mighty men and women of prayer! God wants to use you as a part of His end time revival in the church. The Kingdom shall prevail and the mist shall be dispelled because of our prayers! Hallelujah!

Prevailing in Him,

Dr. Sheila


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