
Showing posts from September, 2013


Now that I have entered the fitness world, I keep hearing the word, "hydrate." Of course we know this to mean drink water. When a person is exercising they sweat, and this depletes the body of water. Therefore it is necessary to replenish the body with water that has been lost through exercise. Even without exercise, it is important and necessary to drink lots of water. They say that we should drink at least half our body weight in water which for most, equates to about eight, eight ounce glasses of water a day. The reason this is essential, whether the individual exercises or not is because the human body is comprised of sixty percent water. This is over half of the body's composition and it makes sense that water is needed to keep things functioning and flowing well in the body. That's the natural. Spiritually speaking, the Word of God is equated to wash like water. Ephesians 5:26-27 says, "That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by ...

True Absolute

Absolute. That word means not qualified or diminished in any way; complete. There are words that are typically used that are absolutes and they carry the full weight of their meaning. For example if someone says, "They never pay their bills on time." That means that whenever bills come for this individual, they are paid beyond the due date. Now if this person pays once or twice before time, then it no longer falls in the "never" category. Here is another one. "Everyone in my class is talking about me." Well, that would mean that all the people in that class are talking about this individual. However, if the teacher is not talking about this person, then it is no longer everyone. Typically when I am presented with a statement like this, I ask, "Who is everyone?" The response is usually only one or two people. This is important because most of the time when people use absolutes, they are not fully true. Always, everybody and never usually mean ...

Hate It Like Potato Salad

Hate It Like Potato Salad Strange title, huh? Well, it will make more sense in a moment. You see, my husband hates potato salad. I mean, he has a radical, strong dislike of it. Many have tried to persuade him by saying, "You haven't had my potato salad." That never works, and if anyone accidentally puts it on his plate, he will either send it back or give it to me. I remember one time there was potato salad on his plate and it touched his chicken and he requested another plate. Like I said, my husband hates potato salad. Hate is such a strong word, but the Bible says this in Ecclesiastes 3:8, "A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace." This verse clearly says there is a  time to hate. More specifically there are two things that the believer is to always hate and they are sin and the devil. Understand that I am not saying to hate the person who is involved in sin, but we are to hate the sin and the devil who is the influence behi...