Who's Your Daddy

You have all heard the saying, "The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree." This statement testifies of itself as you look at your own children or the children of others and see them acting like their parents. This is no different in the kingdom. There is much controversy over who belongs to God and who doesn't. There really shouldn't be. If you are wondering for yourself where you have come from, you don't have to look any further than your character. Who do you act like on a consistent continual basis? God or the devil? Let's go a little farther.

The Bible declares in John 8:31-32, "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. What did the Jews believe? They believed His claim that He was the Son of God and unless they believed on Him they would die in their sins. This is paramount in this passage of scripture because Jesus took time to further teach those who believed. He made an investment because they believed His claim. He showed them what it would take to be for real disciples.

Jesus invested in those who believed in Him. This word "believe," also means to be persuaded or convinced. Before you can judge your character to see who you belong to you must believe or be persuaded about the claim that Jesus Christ is Lord. Are you convinced about Jesus today? Are you persuaded that He came, died and rose again for your sins?

Jesus told those Jews who believed, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed. This word "continue" holds the key to victory in your life. Many saints are frustrated, disillusioned and hard to get along with because they are convinced about the claim, but refuse to continue. This can also be depicted as salvation, sanctification and sonship; deliverance, development and dominion; grace, glory and growth. Being convinced about the claim begins with salvation, deliverance and grace. All believers have been saved and delivered by the grace of God, not by works lest any man should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9). You cannot as a born-again believer stop at salvation alone. True disciples move on to strengthen and deepen their relationship with God by continuing to consecrate, meditate and activate His Word in their lives on a daily basis. When this is done with passion and conviction, it will shape your character and conduct so that you don't have to ask yourself, Who is your daddy?

Whatever you continue in will be manifest in your character and conduct. Your character is the sum total of attributes and traits that influence your conduct. Your conduct is what you do; your behavior. Your conduct is a product of your character. Jesus was saying in John 8:31 that if you continue, remain and dwell in me then you will be my true disciplined learners for real. You will be transformed from a scrub to a scribe. Your character and conduct reflect what is in you. In order to continually reflect a godly character, we must continue.

No matter what you are going through you must continue. When you are frustrated, disillusioned and hard to get along with, you must continue. When you are confused, mystified and don't know why, YOU MUST CONTINUE. You are being developed so that you may reflect Christ. You are being developed so that you can victoriously glorify your Father. You are having your character and conduct shaped so that you can avoid the controversy because whatever you continue in will be manifested in your character and conduct. The pharisees argued this point with Jesus, but they were showing by their actions and attitudes that they were really children of the devil (John 8:37-39).

Jesus continued this discourse to the crowd. In John 8:37 He spoke directly to the pharisees saying, "Yes, I realize that you are descendants of Abraham. And yet some of you are trying to kill me because there's no room in your hearts for my message. 38 I am telling you what I saw when I was with my Father. But you are following the advice of your father. In essence He was challenging them with this question. Who is your daddy? They were offended that He would ask such a thing, but if it acts, walks and quacks like a duck...

It is important at this point to realize, recognize and know that godly character should be reflected in godly conduct, but, the two don't always merge. This is the complexity of the controversy; the conduct of the carnal Christian. These along with pseudo saints believe that they can be a Christian and still cuss, smoke, drink, slip, tip and dip. These are mere syncretists; people who are attempting to reconcile irreconcilable differences.

How a person continues will determine his/her character or conduct. How a person continues determines who their father really is. If you sow to the flesh reap the flesh. If you sow to the Spirit reap everlasting life (Gal 6:8). A lack of continuing in Him produces the controversy in believers and questions whether one really is a believer. This is a great controversy in the church, but the truth remains. You will know them by their fruit. Which again leads to the question, Who's your daddy?

The conclusion of the matter is that when you have a revelation that God is your Father, you will remain and continue in Him. When you continue, Your loving, caring, sharing, heavenly Father will reveal to you by His Spirit that to live is Christ and that you are complete in Him. This is where your victory lies. Now that you know who Your Daddy is and are sold out to Him, you can find out what your purpose is and complete your task in Him. This is done all by His grace and all for His glory. It really is all about Him.

Understanding the Kingdom of Heaven,

Pastor Sheila


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