Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

Praise the Lord! Pastor Rob and I are in Dover, Delaware doing a Singles Conference at Crossroad Christian Church. We are having an awesome time in the Lord and God has been speaking to me about focus.

The Word of God enables us to keep all things in focus in every area of our lives. However, many believers live blurry, obscure lives because of their lack to process and see everything through the Word. Therefore, I want to share with you an acronym for focus that the Lord gave me. I trust it will enrich your life.

F - Fix your eyes on Jesus. The first part of Hebrews 12:2 says, "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." The word "looking" in the Greek is aphorao and it means according the Strong's Dictionary to look away steadfastly or intently toward a distant object. Metaphorically, to behold in the mind, to fix the mind upon.

What this verse is encouraging all believers to do is to fix the mind steadfastly on Jesus. The world offers many distractions and is constantly trying to lure Christians away from the Lord. Yet, the key component of focus is to fix the mind. Don't fix your mind on what you see. Don't fix your mind on your lack, sickness or marital status. Fix your mind on Jesus, and to fix your mind on Jesus is to fix your mind on the Word of God with the intent to obey it (Joshua 1:8).

2 Corinthians 4:18 in the Good News Bible says, "For we fix our attention, not on things that are seen, but on things that are unseen. What can be seen lasts only for a time, but what cannot be seen lasts forever." Listen to the wisdom in this verse! Fix your mind on Jesus; not your marital status, not your money or your muffins (your sweet children)! Those things are all subject to change!

So today, whatever situation, status or state that you may find yourself in know that God is more that able to change it around for His glory. Just be patient. He is building character in you so that you can fulfill His Kingdom purposes for your life. When you see things as He sees them, He will bring all things into focus.

I trust you were blessed today by my blog. Visit tomorrow as we look at the second letter in this acronym, Overcome Obstacles.

Understanding the Kingdom of Heaven in 2011,

Pastor Sheila


  1. Thank you Pastor Sheila!!!!!!

  2. Good word Pastor, God has been showing me that we need to not beleive what our eyes see in the natural realm but on that which we dont see which is faith for the promises of God. Thank you for your blog i look forward to sharing it with my friends.


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