Forget That

We just got back from vacation in Cabo. We made some great memories and had a good time. However, several things went left on us that made us wonder what was really going on. God was so faithful and spoke to my heart through the entire vacation, "Count it all joy." I learned that this is the stuff you count it all joy through so that God still gets the glory even through the bad.

The Bible gives other instruction on how to get through the things that go left in life. It says in Philippians 3:13-14, "Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Notice the instruction in this verse. It says, "forgetting those things which are behind..."

In order to go forward in God you must forget some things. What things? The fact that your year planned vacation had several things to go wrong. Forget that! The fact that your feelings got hurt from an offense. Forget that! The fact that something precious to you was stolen. Forget that! What is that thing that has you depressed, discouraged and disillusioned? Forget that! Whatever is in your past is in your past. Forget that, learn from it and move on.

Did you ever notice in a car that the windshield is much larger than the rear view mirror?  This is so that you can just glance at what is behind and focus on what is in front of you. Spiritually speaking it lets you know that there is no future in your past so stop looking back to figure out your future! The Lord doesn't want His children to focus on what is behind. Forget that! Reach forward to the things that are ahead. God has great things in store for you in your future and He wants to get them to you.

In order to receive all God has in your future, forget that thing, those things or any other thing that has you hemmed up. Don't think it strange, count it all joy and find reasons to rejoice! God will turn any mess into a message and every test into a testimony. The key for you is to learn the lesson and allow that thing to build your character so that you can better reflect Christ. That is what life is all about anyway; being made like Him and let it be known, that God will use anything to make us more like Him.

Let me leave you with this. Whatever "that" is that you are forgetting was either planned or permitted by God. So, as the scripture says in Romans 5:3-5 in the Living Bible, "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us-- they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady. Then, when that happens, we are able to hold our heads high no matter what happens and know that all is well, for we know how dearly God loves us, and we feel this warm love everywhere within us because God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." Therefore, rejoice, "forget that" and rest in His love.

Love, peace and blessings,

Dr. Sheila


  1. Thank you ma'am.. this has really blessed me today! :)

    1. You are welcome Danielle. This was truly written out of my own experience. God is good to us. We have so much to be grateful for IN SPITE OF the momentary LIGHT afflictions. That's what they are in the grand scheme of things. Light afflictions. So, rejoice, count it all joy and FORGET THAT! Love you much and thanks for your comments!


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