Consider the Consequences: After You Say I Do

Praise the Lord! I have been sharing with you from the topic Consider the Consequence. All of our actions have consequences. It is important to consider the consequences before you act so you don't have any major problems.

In my last blog, I charged you to consider the consequences of the who, what, when, where and why of marriage before you get married. Today I want to bring your attention to some things you may want to consider after you say I do.

For example, what do you do when you didn't fulfill a commitment to your spouse? Should you lie or tell the truth? What about overspending? What about sin issues such as infidelity, pornography or abuse? There are no easy answers to these real problems that occur in marriage. The real question is how will you choose to handle them? Remember, however YOU CHOOSE to act will have consequences and you must consider your next move through the lens of God's Word. Will your action toward the issue glorify God?

On the flip side, I do believe that if as a married person you choose to treat your spouse with the mindset of wanting to please the Lord, the outcome will always be good. I love the instruction of Joshua 1:8. It promises that if, as a believer we think, speak and do God's Word every day, the consequences of our godly actions are clear. The scripture states that we will prosper (do better) and be successful.

This is good news. The Lord guarantees throughout His Word that if we would simply obey, all would go well for us. However, the other side of this truth is that if we don't obey, things won't go well. Isaiah 1:18-19 declares in the New Living Translation, "If you will only obey me, you will have plenty to eat. But if you turn away and refuse to listen, you will be devoured by the sword of your enemies. I, the LORD, have spoken!”

There you have it! It doesn't get any plainer than that. Don't you agree? Keep in mind that this truth applies to every area of your life including your marriage. Therefore, consider the consequences! Obey the Lord in your marriage as it is set forth in Ephesians 5. Choose to obey and live life in the land of the God which is a direct result of your obedience to the Lord.

Well, I trust you have been blessed by today's teaching. Until next time.

The Kingdom Prevails in 2012

Dr. Sheila


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